#art #insight #inspirational #artcrush #tobiasrehberger #opticalart #artinsight By habit, we stick to the track, conforming to a plan that is already outlined. It seems easier and comfortable, to know who you are, what you have to do, and where you’re going. It’s like invisible lines that have drawn our comfort zone. That’s where the work of artist TOBIAS REHBERGER makes such a metaphoric sense:With his impressive optical art installations, covering entire rooms in 3 dimensions with graphical lines printed on every wall, floor to ceiling, people have to walk through a space where they cannot get their bearings from the usual perspective we know: verticality, horizontality, lengths and depths are visually disrupted, so that we cannot walk through by habit. His optical game forces us, the subject, to loose the habit so that we need to reconsider which line and direction to follow to cross the space. Art is meant to be disruptive. Art aims to disturb the habit, to break the straight lines. Art brings your focus out of the usual, to question your self, provoke your thoughts and force you to reconsider where you stand. Because otherwise, following the habits day by day, following the invisible lines that we know by heart, will insidiously replace your true will, instinct and desires. And sooner or later you'll realise that you’ve been following a track that’s not really yours (or not yours anymore), and the longer you’ve been following the habit, the harder the ruck will be to fix, in order to get back in line with your own personal aspirations and satisfactions. Every day, we should reconsider which lines we want to draw, not just follow the ones we are used to. We should be able to question every track we follow, making sure we follow them by true will and conscious decision, not just by habit. We should make sure we consciously trace our own line each day, aligned with our deepest and personal desires. Make sure you constantly challenge your comfort zone: For every habit you notice you have, challenge yourself and try to break it, just to see… Force yourself to do differently, to reconsider something ‘old’ you thought you knew, to try something new you don’t know yet. That reminds me a funny anecdote I’ve read: A pastor celebrating weddings said that before he was about to declare a couple husband and wife, he asked them this: “Now look at your partner, and try to see something that you’ve never noticed before.” He said the couples were always so surprised, because they thought they knew eachother so well that they wouldn’t find anything… and then he could see some magic in their eyes as they suddenly were forced to look at eachother like for the first time. BREAKING THE HABIT. You might be surprised to discover how easy it can actually be, when you just get over the fear and challenge your comfort zone. You’ll realize there was no fear to have, and find yourself amazed by the feeling of freedom and power when you discover new perspectives and unexpected, unlimited possibilities in your life. It can go from little things, like “I always drink coffee in the morning” then suddenly deciding to replace it with green tea and see the improvements on your well-being without caffeine in your body… to bigger things, like “I’ve always pursued this career goal and stressed myself out for it” then realising you could actually ditch it and start doing something completely different that might make you happier in life…
Just dare to question your usual perspective, like Tobias Rehberger reminds us with this installation, and trust your ability to make your own way even when it appears more challenging than usual.
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